Asociația Rădăcinilor Străbune

Asociatia Radacinilor Strabune (The Association of Ancestral Roots) was founded in the village of Călinești, Maramures, Romania, through the initiative of Măriuca Verdeș together with the village craftsmen. It consists of local folk craftsmen, women and men, and aims to promote traditional crafts, highlighting local artisans who want to carry on traditional crafts through their skill and patience. Tourists can take part in different events organized by the association to see how tradition is transmited from generation to generation. From dances, to cratfs or various activities highlighting local village life, one can be part of the community through the The Association of Ancestral Roots. To see when and where these craftsmen and events take place, contact Mariuca Verdes, as she is the one organizing them.


Asociația Rădăcinilor Străbune

